Bold Faith
There are two ways we can respond to the word of God: we either accept it or we don’t. That doesn’t mean we can’t have questions. Let’s talk about it…
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Kylie Kristeen contributed 117 entries already.
There are two ways we can respond to the word of God: we either accept it or we don’t. That doesn’t mean we can’t have questions. Let’s talk about it…
What matters more – the words you say, or the way you say them? What speaks louder – the dialogue or the delivery?
The topic of our reactions to God’s word is significant in Scripture. But there’s no story where this is more prominently on display than that of Zechariah in Luke 1. At least not in my opinion. Let’s talk about it…
When year after year passes with hope deferred, it’s easy to assume that hope will never be fulfilled. Oftentimes, disappointment is so rampant that even when our last little ember of faith is stirred, we find ourselves questioning, “How do I know if I can trust it this time?” Let’s talk about it…
I’ve learned this year that contending is a fight. Literally. It means to assert something, as in an argument. To struggle or surmount a difficulty. Contending for our faith is not easy work. But it is holy work. Let’s talk about it…
I’ve been thinking lately about how intentionally the Lord moves in our lives. He is always working, and He is always making moves that will accomplish His redemptive plan for the world. I wonder how much more we might understand if we viewed everything in our lives through the lens of God’s plan for redemption.
In order to stand firm, we must cultivate a faith that is firm. And that part is on us. Let’s talk about it.
When God gives an instruction, it comes with an inherent promise which ought to inspire our immediate obedience. Let’s talk about it.
Miracles lie on the other side of our obedience. But let’s consider the implications of that – in order for a miracle to exist, we have to encounter an impossible situation. We don’t love that part. We get way more excited about the miracle than we do the circumstances that necessitate the miracle.
For Christians, this word can be tough, depending on what denomination raised you. For non-Christians, this word can be the very thing that has kept you out of the faith. And, as with most hot-button issues, everyone has their own definition.
My prayer lately has been that we would follow after God step by step, moment by moment. Not looking left, not looking right. Eyes locked on the One who walks with us. And ultimately, whether the path we trod is smooth or riddled with potholes, that we would cling to the hand of the Good Shepherd.