
Life is busy, right? Sometimes really busy. And the more that is added to your plate, the more urgent everything seems to become. Then, smack dab in the middle of the most hectic moments of the week, you recall God’s command to remember the Sabbath, and keep it holy.

Sound familiar? Let’s talk about it…

When Right Feels Wrong

Sometimes, we prefer the comfort afforded to us in the familiar – even the wrong familiar – than we do the newness of an answered prayer. It may be the right new thing, but something still feels wrong. It’s right, but it’s not ok.

Let’s talk about it…

Sandcastles and Brick Walls

Brick walls are a lot harder to bring down than sandcastles.

What does this have to do with us, though? Let’s talk about it…

The Currency of Care

We worry because it matters. I recently had a conversation with my family about this topic. It seems that every generation in our family has expressed their care for something or someone through concern. Concern is not a bad thing. But there’s a thin line between concern and worry.

Let’s talk about it…

Hope, Not Hype

Lately, I find myself thinking more and more about worship. Beyond what I do in my position as a worship leader on Sundays. But true, authentic worship before the Lord. Let’s talk about it…

The Crushing

Character is born in the crushing. Let’s talk about it…

The Word Became Flesh

He’s not just the fulfillment of our purpose, He’s also our daily provision. It’s all in Jesus. The Word became flesh and dwelled among us – as us – so that there would never again be separation between us. Let’s talk about it…

The Silent Treatment

Silence can be deafening sometimes, especially when it comes from someone who is supposed to be your anchor. Let’s talk about it…

Interruption vs. Opportunity

The truth that our dissatisfaction can be an indicator of a holy opportunity made me start to wonder what other negative emotions or experiences could actually be divine opportunities in disguise.

Let’s talk about it…

Best Laid Plans

If our days go according to plan, and our lives are an accumulation of days, then how do we get to the point where we look back and realize that life has not gone according to plan?

Let’s talk about it…