
The heavier the weight of ministry gets, the easier it is to stop pursuing the details and disciplines we did when we were first starting out. Let’s talk about it…


We are all needed, and the enemy of our souls, of our mission would love nothing more than to convince us that we aren’t. But the devil is a liar. Let’s talk about it…

Time Spent

Have you ever felt useless? This literally just happened to me. Let’s talk about it…

Times of Refreshing

There’s nothing like standing on the shore, looking at the ocean, to make you feel like a new person. Talk about times of refreshing.

What if I told you that feeling is accessible to us all the time? Let’s talk about it…

The Truth Hurts

As Christians, we are not our own. We were bought at a price. Therefore, authority no longer rests on us or our opinions. The authority is solely on what God says about the matter. Let’s talk about it…

Big Faith, Small Steps

When was the last time God told you to do something that you were excited about? If you’re anything like me, that answer would be “never.” The thing about God is that He doesn’t call us to be comfortable. Let’s talk about it…


I want to tell you a story. A story about the kindness of God. Evidence that He is good, and that we don’t always understand the true definition of these words: kindness and goodness. Let’s talk about it…

Just Sit Down

One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone tells me what I should do, what’s best for me. As though I don’t actually know myself. But what if I still don’t actually know what’s best for me? Let’s talk about it…

There’s Levels to This

Believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. But then you gotta make sure your life is saying the same thing as your mouth. That’s where it gets tricky.

Let’s talk about it…


Life is busy, right? Sometimes really busy. And the more that is added to your plate, the more urgent everything seems to become. Then, smack dab in the middle of the most hectic moments of the week, you recall God’s command to remember the Sabbath, and keep it holy.

Sound familiar? Let’s talk about it…