God Goes First

Don’t forget to pray, not just complain. If we want more than we can see, then we have to pray with words that are higher than our own. Let’s talk about it…

Choose Your Battles

Broken hearts shouldn’t lead to broken callings. We must be about our Father’s business. Let’s talk about it…

That’s Faith

Is it ok to keep hoping for something even if we don’t know what God has planned? Let’s talk about it…


Let’s talk about food for a sec. I’m currently on a specific meal plan, which is great in one sense: I don’t have to think about my meals during the week (just the four hours I spend on the weekends prepping the meals), I’m losing weight, I have more energy. All that is great.

But there’s a downside. Let’s talk about it…

A Pleasing Aroma

If someone you love makes a sacrifice just for you, you may not get joy out of their sacrifice, but you will feel honored. Sacrifice indicates that we are willing to release something of value so that we may cling to Someone who is utterly invaluable.

Let’s talk about it…

Stay Put

Funny how the way we feel time can inspire a sense of panic or a sense of dread. And yet a day is still only one day. Those twenty-four hours are not the least bit impacted by our sense of urgency.

Neither is God, for the record.

Let’s talk about it…

Too Casual

Story time… Once upon a time, I was a college student, and my life looked a lot like the TV show friends. A good friend of mine lived in the apartment across the hall from my roommate and me. Our closest guy friends lived in the apartment behind us. So it wasn’t uncommon for me to come home from class and find a bunch of people who did not share my address sitting on my couch…

Don’t Stop Now

Our tenacity in prayer is directly impacted by what we believe about God. Holy. Good. Loving. Able. And Willing. Let’s talk about it.

How Would It Be Different

This is the question every one of us will need to answer in our lives. Who is Jesus really? Not, “Who is Jesus to you?” But “Who do you say Jesus is?” There’s a difference. Let’s talk about it…

Just Drive

For the one who feels like giving up is the best option… Let’s talk about it.