Just Drive

For the one who feels like giving up is the best option… Let’s talk about it.

What If

We have to ask ourselves, “What are we really afraid of?” Pause here. Examine your most oft-recited what if’s and ask yourself what’s really at the bottom of this fear. Then come back and keep reading. I don’t want us to stop at the uncovering. I want us to get to the undoing.

Doubting in the Dark

Happy Wednesday! So glad we could get together for our weekly chat today. I’ve loved our recent conversations about the subtle ways the enemy comes after us, and I want to dig a little deeper into the idea of doubt. I know we talked about the way the serpent cast doubt in the Garden of Eden by engaging Eve with a question: “Did God really say…”

The Weight of the Wait

Okay, okay, I know what you may be thinking… There are tons of books, articles, etc. about waiting. What more could possibly be said? Honestly, I’m with you. I mean, there are even entire Instagram accounts dedicated to encouraging single women (let’s be real here) in their wait for a spouse. However, there are so many other things for which we are forced to wait. 

Wonder Well

Hi! Welcome back! How was your week? *pauses to sip coffee and listen intently* 

So I’ve found myself imagining a lot lately, and it got me thinking of this question: where do our thoughts go when they go a-wondering?

Hope in Holiness

God doesn’t need time to complete things. Christians like to toss around this saying “Just give God a little more time,” as though God didn’t realize how hard this particular project would be. But is that really accurate? Let’s talk about it…

Bold Faith

There are two ways we can respond to the word of God: we either accept it or we don’t. That doesn’t mean we can’t have questions. Let’s talk about it…

Dialogue or Delivery

What matters more – the words you say, or the way you say them? What speaks louder – the dialogue or the delivery?

The topic of our reactions to God’s word is significant in Scripture. But there’s no story where this is more prominently on display than that of Zechariah in Luke 1. At least not in my opinion. Let’s talk about it…

Hope Deferred

When year after year passes with hope deferred, it’s easy to assume that hope will never be fulfilled. Oftentimes, disappointment is so rampant that even when our last little ember of faith is stirred, we find ourselves questioning, “How do I know if I can trust it this time?” Let’s talk about it…


I’ve learned this year that contending is a fight. Literally. It means to assert something, as in an argument. To struggle or surmount a difficulty. Contending for our faith is not easy work. But it is holy work. Let’s talk about it…